Swachh Bharath Abhiyan- Any Good?
Streets where heat signature vary and fragrances change beyond every meter, where cuisine is a wide palate, where lifestyles are governed by occupations, where drought is caused by the lack of rain and rain means flood, where dustbins are empty boxes and the floors are traps for waste- Welcome to India! India has seen the rise and fall of many kings, many races, and many cultures thus has also seen variety of garbage. Plastics, Fabrics, Nylon, Synthetics and the types are endless. For a country bound by culture and religion, if cleanliness is next to godliness, spirituality is not a concern. With a Gandhian principle in mind, the Indian prime minister introduced the concept of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan which translates into Clean India Mission to literally sweep the streets clean. It is a task of toil to have every citizen of the Indian continent behave and follow hygiene instructions. In a country with people holding immense ego, self-pride and lack of social